Twiddle Mats

Aren’t these twiddle mats bright and cheerful? I do enjoy creating an interesting and engaging mat.

A twiddle mat can be any size. The one on the left in the photo is approximately 50cm x 40cm. Note the muff (hand cover) in the centre. The Monet Garden mat is approximately 71cm x 44cm. The idea is that they fit easily on a recipient’s lap or on the hospital tray that goes across the bed. These suit the patients who don’t want to be cuddled up in a blanket or have their hands confined in a muff. The patient can then engage with the twiddle items.

The main twiddle item in these mats are the twirls, flowers, buttons and button holes, felt butterfly, buckles, laces, zipped pocket, padded items, for example, the smiley face and crab.

You can very quickly create mats to donate to hospitals and elderly rest homes. However, do check what their health and safety requirements are. All our twiddle creations are gifted to the patients and go with them when they move hospital units or return home. Over time we will show you how to secure your twiddle items securely.

Let us know what you would like to know about our twiddle mats by emailing us,

We look forward to hearing from you and sharing more creations with you.

Happy creating everyone!