Twiddle Blankets

At first decorating blankets was rather daunting. There seemed to be such a large space to fill. But once I had an idea in mind and settled into a rhythm the blankets took shape.

I have never liked making fiddly things so I am pleased how I have developed my crochet skills through making twiddle attachments.

In this Granny blanket I have concentrated on the centre space. I decided that when the blanket is on a recipient’s lap, their hands are likely to be in this area. You can see that I have used flowers, ribbons, twirls, buttons, laces and a small heart shaped pocket.

On the blankets there could be zips, stuffed objects, little animals, different button activities, beads, velcro and snap fastener activities, ribbons, laces to thread and different textures to interest recipients. The items to attach are endless. We will build up examples in the Twiddles section.

Overtime we will show you the blankets we make and hope the examples inspire you to have a go.

Happy creating everyone!