Twiddle Muffs

Our project began with twiddle muffs.

With the increasing numbers of elderly people arriving at emergency departments, our daughter Mya and the wonderful nursing staff in the Acute Medical Unit at the Royal Melbourne Hospital were looking for a solution to help calm distressed and restless elderly patients. At the same time information was emerging around the world about the impact of twiddle muffs.

Twiddle muffs are knitted or crocheted tubes that the recipients put their hands into. They are colourful, have lots of different textures and items to engage the recipients. And the double thickness keeps cold hands warm.

It’s a lot of fun creating the twiddle attachments which should engage the recipient. In hospitals nurses and doctors can then get on with their work with less interference from the patient.

We will show you the variety of muffs we make and how we make them. If you have a particular question please email us: By doing this we get an idea of what you want to know to make twiddle muffs.

And we would love to see what you create!

Happy creating everyone!