Top Tips

How can you help?

Our stories are linked to our experiences with the Royal Melbourne Hospital.  Our dream is that wherever you are you might be able to be part of a project in your area.  We would love to hear your stories so we can all learn from each other to help make hospital stays a comfortable experience for the elderly.

Making twiddle creations provides opportunities to involve friends and family members.  An important aspect of our project is involving people in different ways.  While crocheting and knitting is our preferred way of making blankets, muffs and cuffs, the twiddle items that are attached to the blankets, muffs and cuffs can come from many different sources. 

For example, Paul, my husband, supports the project collecting interesting bits and pieces like discarded hair ties and ribbons found on the street and small items such as felt animals, buckles, snap fasteners, velcro from $2 shops.  Some people like donating buttons, ribbons and zips.   It still amazes me what you can turn into a useful twiddle item as long as it is safe for a recipient.

I was thrilled some time ago when Lisa, the Nursing Manager in the Acute Medical Ward at the Royal Melbourne Hospital, started giving me some knitted pieces in a variety of sizes which I could then turn into complete twiddle creations.  What was so exciting about this, was that beginner and inexperienced knitters used different types of yarn to make these pieces.  Everyone benefits and feels a sense of achievement and purpose. In the photos one colourful, textured piece became a twiddle muff.  

Leftover granny squares become pockets.  

Before starting a project many knitters and crocheters do a swatch, a small piece of crochet or knitting that checks the tension to see if their stitches match to the pattern’s gauge.  These swatches are very useful indeed to attach to twiddle creations.  Maybe you can persuade someone who does a lot of knitting or crocheting to give them to you.  

And you can see more examples on our facebook page, and on Instagram

See what you can collect to reuse.  If you have time, have a read of my story about repurposing granny square blankets.  You can help in so many different ways.  It is such fun and a great activity to share with others in the making of these twiddle creations.

Happy creating everyone!  

Sandra @ Project Twiddles

Top Tips

Matching the twiddle creation to a patient

A couple of years ago our daughter, Mya, an emergency physician, suggested I have a look at making twiddle muffs for elderly patients admitted to the Acute Medical Unit at the Royal Melbourne Hospital. These patients were often distressed and restless at being in hospital. The nursing staff found that by giving the patients some sort of activity to occupy their hands and minds they became more settled.

The first twiddle muffs for the Royal Melbourne Hospital

Soon we were making twiddle mats, blankets and cuffs.

The nursing staff are the key to this project. They have a range of different activities they can use to help settle patients. When given a twiddle creation, some might reject it; others are intrigued and become engaged. This twiddle creation becomes their property and they take it with them when they leave the unit.

The question then was, how do we/you sustain this project? We will share ideas with you overtime and let you know how we are going. We look forward to our many discussions.

Happy creating everyone!

Sandra @ Project Twiddles