Having fun with button tabs

Button tabs are so easy to make and attach to a twiddle creation. And a great twiddle item for recipients to play with. It’s like making 2 button flaps that at each end of small strip!

In this example I have chained 20 and in the second chain from the hook made 1 HDC (half double crochet stitch) and one more HDC in the next chain.

I chained 2 stitches and put the hook into the 5th chain from the beginning. First buttonhole made. Keep making HDC to the end of the chain.

In last chain make 4 HDC, don’t turn around, You are going to work up the other side of the original chain.

Make 2 HDC in the first 2 chains, then ship 2 chains by making 2 chains and put your hook into the 5th stitch of the original chain. Second buttonhole made.

HDC to the end. In the last stitch put 3 HDC and slip stitch into first HDC at the beginning.

And there you have it, two button holes on one tab.

I attach the tab onto the twiddle creation with a chain that can be used to tie into a bow, or a small flower or button.

Happy creating!