Everyone loves a pocket!

Imagine being in hospital bed and gown, and you have a menu receipt, tissue, pen, mobile phone, a small treasure and only the locker beside your bed to place them.  You are worried you might lose them and want to keep them.  This is when pockets on twiddle creations serve a great purpose.   

The nursing staff in the Acute Medical Unit at the Royal Melbourne Hospital told me this story and how patients like having pockets.  So I usually attach one like the examples below to a twiddle creation.

Pockets are easy to make and are a great item for beginners to knitting or crocheting.  And you can make these in any size and style you like. There are lots of heart patterns on the internet for you to try out.

One of my favourite heart patterns is on the Daisy Farmcrafts website: https://daisyfarmcrafts.com/mandys-heart-blanket/ Once I have completed the increases and depending on the type of yarn I use, I might add a few rows to increase the size of the heart.

My favourite pocket is the envelope pocket, so easy to make.

And the blanket below has 2 pockets! The pocket in the bottom left corner has a button. But the one at the top has a small zip and a small animal attached inside the pocket. I refer to this pocket as a surprise pocket. If you look at my twiddle creations you will see a variety of surprise pockets.

Whether I am knitting or crocheting I like making pockets to practise different stitches. Browse through our collection for inspiration. Be creative, have fun. All you are doing is making either a shape, rectangle, square or heart shape and giving someone a special place to put their treasures.

Happy creating everyone!

Sandra @ Project Twiddles