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Matching the twiddle creation to a patient

A couple of years ago our daughter, Mya, an emergency physician, suggested I have a look at making twiddle muffs for elderly patients admitted to the Acute Medical Unit at the Royal Melbourne Hospital. These patients were often distressed and restless at being in hospital. The nursing staff found that by giving the patients some sort of activity to occupy their hands and minds they became more settled.

The first twiddle muffs for the Royal Melbourne Hospital

Soon we were making twiddle mats, blankets and cuffs.

The nursing staff are the key to this project. They have a range of different activities they can use to help settle patients. When given a twiddle creation, some might reject it; others are intrigued and become engaged. This twiddle creation becomes their property and they take it with them when they leave the unit.

The question then was, how do we/you sustain this project? We will share ideas with you overtime and let you know how we are going. We look forward to our many discussions.

Happy creating everyone!

Sandra @ Project Twiddles