Attaching twiddle items to your twiddle creations

Elderly, unsettled patients often fidget and pick at their sheets, clothes and skin. Twiddle muffs, cuffs, mats and blankets are an ideal solution– giving patients something to do with their hands.  So the twiddle items, particularly the buttons, have to be attached securely.

I use embroidery thread, dental floss and linen thread to secure the item to the twiddle blanket, mat, muff and cuff.  For buttons I will often finish off with yarn if I want to add in a colour.  However, if you use thick yarn to attach a button the holes in the button will full before the button is securely attached.

If a patient pulls and tugs at a button, I do not want the thread to break or unravel.  A loose thread is an attractive beacon for a patient who is restless and unsettled, and they will pick away at the loose thread.   All ends must be well woven in.

How do I make sure that the item has been securely fastened?  I get my husband Paul to do the safety test by pulling and tugging on the item.  

Happy creating everyone!

Sandra @ Project Twiddles