Top Tips

A simple & fun twiddle item

Twiddle twirls are my favourite item to add to my twiddle projects, my blankets, children’s gifts, in fact any excuse to make and use them in some creative way.  When away from home, I have odd balls of yarn with me that I turn into twirls ready to place on twiddle cuffs, muffs or mats.

Mats and a cuff with
twiddle twirls

Crochet and knitting people will know these as curlicues.  When I was making these twirls I asked my granddaughter what to call ‘it”.  Twirls, she said.  So Project Twiddle Twirls they are.

Making a twiddle twirl
I find that the smaller the hook or knitting needles the better the twirl.  I use 3.5 mm crochet hook and knitting needles and double knit yarn.  But as you make them you will find what size hook, needles and yarn works best for the result you want. 

Knitting Instructions
Cast on 20 stitches (more if you want a longer twirl), knit into the back and front of every stitch (kfb)  across the row.  Cast off. Darn in your ends and you’re are ready to use it.  

If you want to make a curlier twirl, knit into the back and front  and then front (kfbf) of every stitch across the row and then cast off.    This way can be tight to complete the row but well worth the perseverance.   

Crochet Instructions
Chain 20 stitches (more if you want a longer twirl).  Turn and in the second chain from the hook put 2 single crochet stitches and in every chain back to the beginning.  Finish off. 

You can turn your twirls into a lot of interesting features: legs for your octopus; make a twirly flower; add them to your edging on your mats; something to play with inside a muff; or an additional fun finger activity on other twiddle items. The opportunity is endless.

Have fun making your twiddle twirls.

Sandra @ Project Twiddles