Repurposing Granny Square Blankets

Hi there! 

Granny Square blankets are easy to make and decorate. Repetitive crocheting which Granny Square blankets provide, is very calming and grounding for the maker, and a great way to use up yarn in your stash. 

Granny Square blankets can be found unloved and unwanted in secondhand shops, or even around your homes. These can be well washed (if needed) and turned into wonderful twiddle blankets. 

Giving Granny Squares a new life, whether newly made or found stacked away, is very satisfying! I affectionately call it, repurposing. Sounds much more grand than recycling. I love the challenge of making an old favourite crochet product useful and valued again.

I focus on the central area to attach the twiddle items. Flowers that patients want to touch are a favourite. And I enjoy making and attaching the yellow Project Twiddle Twirl to the centre of the blanket. There is a small heart shape pocket for the patient to put a small treasure item or tissue.

I often use hair ties. This hair tie has been crocheted all around and then ribbons sewn onto the crochet cover. 

The blankets are always backed to protect the patient and to give extra security to the twiddle items. This blanket’s backing comes from discarded knitted pieces that were donated to Project Twiddles. 

To make two pieces the same length I had to cut two pieces from one of the long pieces.  First I marked the length I wanted and then I cut a stitch at the side.  I carefully picked up the stitches as I unravelled the yarn.  Once I had all the stitches on my needle I was able to cast off.  If one of the pieces ended up shorter I would have knitted a couple of rows to make it the length I wanted.  I repeated the exercise to end up with my two pieces which I joined together. The backing was not quite the width I wanted so I crocheted some additional rows and attached the final piece to the back of the Granny Square. 

Have fun giving a new life to these traditional, lovely blankets. 

Happy creating!

From us at Project Twiddles