About Us

Hi there!

I’m Sandra. Together with my husband, Paul, we create twiddle mats, cuff, mitts and blankets for the elderly who are admitted to the Acute Medical Unit at the Royal Melbourne Hospital.

What is a twiddle muff, cuff, mat or blanket, you ask? It’s a knitted muff for your hands, a cuff for your wrist, or a mat / blanket that has lots of things sewn on that the recipient can play with – anything to keep their hands busy and occupy their minds by creating a sensory experience!

These twiddle creations engage restless hands and distressed minds. They provide a calming focus and help to settle patients when they are in an unfamiliar situation.

We benefit too. Making these creations is very relaxing and heaps of fun.  We hope that you’ll find lots of inspiration here and find things to try out.  

We share with you how you don’t have to crochet or knit but might like to contribute in other ways such as collecting twiddle items or creating your own design by sewing on twiddle items.

We believe that projects like Project Twiddles can also have the lovely side effect of building community between carers and staff within organisations. Units in hospitals like at the Royal Melbourne Hospital can work together to make twiddle creations for their patients.

We love sharing our creations with you in the hope that you will want to participate in Project Twiddles or set up your own project for hospital patients in your area.

Happy creating everyone!