Top Tips

Don’t stress about size!

My knitting and crocheting is timeout therapy for me. I enjoy the rhythmic flow of knitting and crocheting. It’s a very peaceful time, a wonderful experience.

So when I get questions about ‘how many stitches do I cast on’ or ‘what size chain do I make’ or ‘how long do I make a twiddle blanket’, I know that there is a certain amount of anxiety to make the piece right.  

I want to reassure you that any instructions are just that, instructions for you to interpret.  When you make a blanket ( I prefer calling them twiddle mats) and you think the size is right test it out by putting it on your lap and visualize someone playing with the twiddle items.  If the size feels right, then it is! 

A twiddle muff is usually around 60 centimetres (24 inches) in length, then folded in half.  If you only do 38 centimetres (15 inches)  that’s ok as you can make a twiddle cuff.  

Currently I am making small twiddle mats around 38 centimetres (15 inches) square.  I intend to back them by turning in each corner to make a finished twiddle mat.  I am enjoying playing around with ideas .  I know that what appeals to some patients doesn’t to others so I like making a variety.   And I get my dose of timeout therapy and get my creative juices flowing.  

So a very important message from me, is please settle into  creating pieces that you enjoy making. All creations no matter what size can be used in someway.

Happy creating everyone!

Sandra @ Project Twiddles

One small piece, edged with bobbles ready for some twiddle items and to become a mat.
One small piece that becomes the twiddle muff in the next photo.
The twiddle muff